A UON Consulting informa os seus Clientes que se encontra a dar seguimento ao Regulamento Geral sobre a Proteção de Dados (1)
(1) A Proteção das Pessoas singulares relativamente ao Tratamento de Dados Pessoais é um direito fundamental. O artigo 8º nº 1 da Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia e o artigo 16º do Tratado sobre o Funcionamento da União Europeia estabelecem que todas as pessoas têm direito à Proteção dos Dados de caráter pessoal que lhes digam respeito.
Energy Management
UON provides consulting services and direct customer support within a broad spectrum of activities, aimed at technical, economic and financial analysis of the management and energy conservation projects, maximizing the added value for its customers.

We help in developing policies and strategies for the conservation of energy and project management in investments in the energy sector.

The projects to be considered will be the implementation of simple measures that reduce energy consumption, and simple to apply and smaller investment, or may be deeper measures that have the greatest impact on savings, but that require further study and a higher initial investment, requiring a more professional monitoring throughout the life of the investment period.

Energy Monitoring and Centralized Management

Through the implementation of an automated system for measuring power consumption, monitoring and analysis of energy uses, we build an Energy Management System, which add most value for our customers.

A abordagem sistemática e as metodologias utilizadas asseguram a redução de custos e melhoria sustentada na racionalização do uso da energia.

Não se pode gerir o que não se pode medir, por isso neste serviço prestamos um serviço destinado a assegurar a redução dos consumos e a gestão sustentada de energia e que envolve as atividades de obter, tratar e interpretar a informação sobre o consumo de energia, com o objectivo de medir e melhorar o desempenho.

The systematic approach and methodology used ensures cost reduction and sustained improvement in the rational use of energy.

Obtaining information on energy consumption involves the measurement of consumption. The interpretation of energy consumption involve knowledge of the factors that influence it, compared with the actual results with the expected values. In the case of significant deviations, the causes are investigated and are promoted actions that lead to process improvement.

In terms of procedure, the phases are:

- Monitoring which corresponds to the regular collection of consumption data and other relevant variables, analysis and data processing and investigation of deviations from expected performance; 

- Setting energetic targets corresponding to the identification of the consumption levels expected or desired;

- Reports that provide information to users and managers of processes to motivate action and achieve the goals set. On this basis are added new behavioral practices in order to reduce power consumption, without changing the productivity.

Is implanted within the organization a promoter mentality of energy efficiency and the mobilization of all stakeholders for behavioral change towards energy use.

Energy Audits and Rationalisation Plans

UON Consulting carries out surveys and critical analysis of the conditions of use of energy, in order to identify opportunities for energy rationalization through measures with technical and financial return.